TAP Network Secretariat

John Romano
John is the Director of the TAP Network, based in New York. Prior to joining the TAP Network, John worked at Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), coordinating global advocacy campaigns around the UN’s Post-2015 sustainable development agenda. He has also worked for the UN Secretariat with UNDESA’s Division for Sustainable Development, where he helped facilitate the engagement of civil society in the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, and coordinated the UN’s social media coverage for the conference. John has a M.S. in Sustainability Management from Columbia University and a B.A. in Environmental Studies and Geography from Ohio Wesleyan University.
Email: romano@tapnetwork2030.org

Debra Jones
Strategic Advisor, #SDG16Now Campaign
Email: jones@tapnetwork2030.org

Elena Marmo
Communications and Engagement Officer
Elena is the Communications & Engagement Officer of the TAP Network. Prior to joining the TAP Network, Elena worked with Global Policy Forum, monitoring and analyzing various UN processes related to sustainable development and global governance. Elena brings experience working in civil society stakeholder groups, notably the Women’s Major Group, to develop and implement advocacy strategies and campaigns to influence global policies related to gender equality and economic justice. In addition to her work in policy-advocacy spaces, Elena serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Peace and Justice Studies at Pace University. Elena holds an MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development from SOAS, University of London and a B.A. in Political Science and Peace and Justice Studies from Pace University.
Email: marmo@tapnetwork2030.org